November 20, 2021

Reflecting on My Trip to Israel

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Dear neighbor, 

As James Baldwin said, “Nothing can be changed until it is faced.” The first part of “facing” anything is learning. This past week I traveled to Israel with five of my colleagues in Congress and gained first-hand insight into Israeli- Palestinian relations. The trip was arranged by J Street Education Fund (JSEF) and allowed me to meet with Israeli officials such as the President and Prime Minister, the Israel Defense Forces, Palestinian leaders, Israeli and Palestinian activists and young people. 

I was fortunate enough to travel through and visit Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank - myself and Rep. Mark Pocan also tried to enter Gaza. The entire trip was eye opening and a learning experience. I walked through the streets and spoke directly to both Israelis and Palestinians about matters that affect them deeply and personally. The significance of Israel in the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths was not lost on me either, and I was overcome with awe while visiting many historical and spiritual sites. 

I look forward to more dialogue with community members including yourself to hear your perspective and discuss how we can find common ground with policy - such as with a two-state solution. I support everyone’s basic human rights and Palestinian and Israeli peoples’ right to live in safety and peace. I look forward to a tomorrow when that is a reality. 

As always, continue reaching out to my office to express your voice and for any questions and/ or concerns.